What to Expect

At ParkPres, our services are a joyful encounter with our great God and Savior. We come each Sunday to be refreshed by the proclamation of the Gospel, and would love to have you experience this with us. Read below to learn more about what you can expect when you join us!


Our worship services are a divine dialogue—that is, when we come together on Sundays for worship it is to have a conversation with God. This understanding informs what we do in our services and the way we do it. God is the initiator in this conversation: He speaks to us in the call to worship, the reading of the law, the declaration of pardon, the preaching of His Word, the administration of sacraments (Lord’s Supper and baptism), and the benediction. Primarily we come to hear from Him. Our part in this divine dialogue is always responsive in nature: we respond to God in our prayers, confession of faith, giving of our offerings, and singing (we sing both traditional and contemporary hymns of the faith, as well the psalms of Scripture).

Expository Preaching

We preach consecutively through books of the Bible in an expositional manner—that is, exposing what is in the text instead of imposing our preferences upon it. We believe that God uses expository preaching to feed sheep and rescue the the lost. Expository preaching lets the drama of the sermon flow from the text of Scripture itself, resulting in a message from God that is Christ-centered, urgent, and personally engaging.

A Warm Community 

If you visit Park Presbyterian Church, you will notice the warmth of the people in the congregation. We not only love our Savior and the saints we also have a heart for the lost and love to see more people be transformed by the power of the Spirit.

A Caring Community

As fellow recipients of God's grace in Christ and members of His body, it's our privilege to express our love for one another in tangible, selfless, and encouraging ways as we use our gifts, prayers, words, and deeds to build one another up. We desire a church culture where we can openly admit our sins and humbly acknowledge our weaknesses as we collectively point one another to Christ and His Word in the pursuit of holiness.


In our church you will find people of all ages: newborns, children playing together, teens, college age young adults, singles and families of all ages. Not only that, our congregation is made up of people from all sorts of background. Some of us are born and raised in Bucks County, others come from different countries. We seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ together by seeking to be discipled by others within the church family and making disciples ourselves. All of us are growing, and it's our privilege to walk together as we point one another to the Word in love.

Hospitality & Evangelism

The gospel compels us to share the good news with those who are lost and to welcome visitors as we have been welcomed by the Father in Jesus Christ. Evangelism is not a program, but a way of life. It's not for a team of few, but a culture of the entire church.